วันพุธที่ 31 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Sexy People Have This: Do You?

Nothing More Sexy than Self Confidence

What you see in the mirror is awesome and the sooner you accept that, the better! I adopted the attitude very early on that I was so incredible that men would swoon and women would be asking for beauty tips and I've carried myself with that attitude my whole life. Even when I wake up with a huge pimple in the middle of my forehead, even when my face puffed up with mental-pause nonsense (menopause, I laugh in your face), even when I do look horrid, I still think I'm the most awesome horrid; if nothing else, I'm the best, always. After all, who's to say I'm not.

I see myself as beautiful because that's how I want to see myself. You could say I'm my own best friend. I build myself up, rather than tear myself down. I do the same thing regarding health so even if I feel lousy, I'm more likely to say (if asked), that I feel fine, thank you very much. It's a mental game, yes, but it's a game I play to win. I believe (which makes it true for me) that if I tell myself positive things, then positive things will follow.

Catching yourself in a negative comment is step 1, so if you hear yourself saying anything negative or demeaning to yourself, just stop right then and there, and soften your self talk. There's no sense arguing about it. Just do it, and see what happens.

Finding Beauty in all Forms

I also truly appreciate the human form (i.e. from mountainous Jabba the Hut, to Kate Moss tiny twig thin) and I love it in all styles and shapes. When I meet someone I look first into their eyes. Can I see who's inside to find the real person and see their inner beauty? Only then do I see what's outside. How someone looks on the outside is, in my opinion, not reality. I learned this when I was a teenager and thought I was such a goddess that no man could resist. I quickly learn that sure, some fellows liked me best but other guys preferred my friend. Wow, reality bites! It was a major life lesson; beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder.

You are a lovely human being, male, female, short, tall, sleekly thin or lusciously thick. No matter what your outer shape displays, it is the beauty within you project outwardly that people see. It's confidence and an inner glow that attracts a mate. If you're embarrassed to believe you are lovely, or just won't believe it, practice saying, "I am awesome, I am lovable, I am friggen great and you just are missing if you can't see it." You're a beautiful lady, a gorgeous guy. We've all seen movie stars who suddenly take on "sex appeal" because of the power they project. Power has always been sexy, and self confidence is your inner power. Project your inner confidence, and the beauty shines through.

You deserve the very best life has to offer, and you deserve to believe in yourself. Today, tonight and throughout all of your days, see it, believe it and you will become it.

Just for fun, today as you go about your usual routine, pretend you are the richest, most beautiful creature alive. Smile at the world with the knowledge that you are perfect, window shop knowing you can have anything you want. Hold your head high, your back straight and notice how much better you feel with this newfound confidence. Notice also how people see you differently. They smile and nod. They wonder, what is it about that lady that makes me want to watch her? What's he got, that I don't? There is a seed of beauty and self confidence inside you. Water it, nurture it, and it will grow.

Kathryn Martyn, Master NLP Practitioner, EFT counselor, Weight Loss Mentor and owner of <a target="_new" href="http://www.OneMoreBite-WeightLoss.com">OneMoreBite-Weightloss.com</a> is the author of "Changing Beliefs, Your First Step to Permanent Weight Loss," and "5 Steps to Blast Through Weight Loss Plateaus."

Get both e-books and learn the One More Bite method with "The Daily Bites" mini lessons in using EFT for weight loss and developing self confidence <a target="_new" href="http://www.OneMoreBite-WeightLoss.com/getnews.html">The Daily Bites</a>

Orange County Plastic Surgeon Search

The main problem is that of abundance. Finding an Orange County plastic surgeon is easy, the problem is to find THE Orange County plastic surgeon - the one who will meet your expectations. Start from searching the Internet. There you will probably find about fifty plastic surgeons for a start. When you have the list, start contacting them, one by one. I know this is time consuming, but the plastic surgery is a surgery, not some kind of magic. Narrow your list to those who specialize in the kind of surgery you want to have and visit the clinics.

How can you find the best plastic surgeon available?

Every Orange County plastic surgeon worth choosing will offer you a short walk around the clinic to show you what's going on there. If they ask you to sight tight in an office, it's a big minus. The second checkpoint is the plastic surgery picture. Ask them to show you the &quot;before/after&quot; photos of patients that had similar surgery to yours. Even in Orange County, every plastic surgeon will have to show you the pictures. Check them carefully - if in any of them you will see makeup, resign. All these photos are used for medical purposes and taking photos in makeup means only that there is something to hide. If both the walk and the pictures' check went good, you can get down to business.

Things you should check before the surgery

The prices are quite high in Orange County. Every plastic surgeon living there is a professional, so the prices are &quot;professional&quot; too. Don't worry about the money, though. You are about to have a surgery any saving $300 and risking some surgery complications instead isn't a too bright idea. Remember, it's the professionalism you're looking for, not a discount. Every Orange County plastic surgeon is a professional, but you want to get &quot;the best of the best&quot;, don't you? The money you will spend is only a secondary problem then. I say this because we tend to forget about it during any purchases or negotiations and we start thinking only about our money.

Jeff Lakie is the founder of <a target="_new" href="http://www.tummy-tuck-photos.com">Plastic Surgery Resources</a> a website providing information on cosmetic surgery.

Contact Lenses - A Beginners Guide To Inserting & Removing Them The Right Way

I must admit that putting contact lenses in for the first time is a bit awkward. The natural reflex when any object comes close to the eye is to automatically close the eye. However, once you get over the fear of placing the contact on your eye, you will become a pro at it overnight. Just remember to follow these guidelines when you are inserting and removing your contacts:

1. Always wash and dry your hands thoroughly before inserting and removing your contacts.

2. Use the recommended contact lens cleaning solution as directed before inserting and after removing lens.

3. Check your contact for debris, residue, tears, or any other particles that may irritate your eye.

4. Don't put your contacts in over a sink or area with an open drain. If at all possible, insert your contacts over a flat surface. That way, if the contact falls, you will have an easier time recovering it.

5. Make sure that you are putting the correct contact over the corresponding eye. Generally each contact (left and right) has a different prescription in it for that eye. Always double check to make sure that your left contact is going on the left eye and vice versa.

6. Hold your eyelids open with one hand and either look towards the ceiling or directly at the contact.

7. Take your forefinger and place the contact (cup side up) on the white of your eye if you are looking towards the ceiling and then release the bottom eyelid first and roll the eye down.

8. Next, look straight down to have the eye finish positioning the lens.

9. If you are looking directly at the contact lens before inserting, simply place the contact on the center of the eye very gently and look down to position the lens.

10. To remove the contact lens, wash and dry your hands first. Then while holding the eyelid open, look towards the ceiling and slide the contact over the white of your eye.

11. Next, take your forefinger and thumb and gently press the contact lens and remove it.

12. After removing contacts, store them in the appropriate contact lens case.

By following these steps, you will easily be inserting and removing your contacts in no time at all. Remember to thoroughly wash your hands before handling contacts and use only the recommended cleaning solution for your contact lens. If you have any problems or questions concerning inserting or removing your contacts, call your eye care practitioner. They will be more than happy to address your concerns.

Mike Schwartz is the owner of the popular web site <a target="_new" href="http://www.bestcontactlensesonline.com">Best Contact Lenses Online</a> His site provides useful tips, resources, and reviews to help you make the best decision when purchasing contact lenses on the Internet.

Face Off

The other day, I indulged in one of my many guilty pleasures. Specifically, I watched a programme called "Face Lifts From Hell."

Like many factual programmes, you can learn a little something from "Face Lifts from Hell", and tonight I took away this little nugget: It's not immigrants or asylum seekers that are putting a drain on the national health service. It's idiots from this country.

One woman on tonight's programme (and I don't want to appear misogynistic, but there were no men featured; draw your own conclusions) went on a surgery holiday. The basic premise is that you go on a package trip with a group of other desperate people, and they cart you off to Poland to have various bits of your anatomy sucked, snipped, sliced and tightened.

This woman, who, due to numerous face-lifts, looked like she was constantly hurtling forwards at about 97 miles an hour, had some sort of breast-enhancement and, after surgery, was taken to a small apartment in a block with all the other patients and left there to recuperate. She was essentially dumped in a flat in Poland and left to her own devices with a group of equally vacuous and recently-mutilated women.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, she contracted an infection.

She then came back to the UK and, at a cost of ?5,000, had to have things fixed. (Her bosom was left comically lopsided, to my great amusement, but this is a serious point. Ironically, a serious point is also what one of her boobs was left with.)

If this was an isolated case I could let the matter go, but the entire programme was like a hit parade of idiots who now had bodies as defective looking as their brains almost certainly are.

One woman - I swear this is the truth - was talked into cosmetic surgery by a travelling face-lift salesman. I'm not making this up. Someone came to this woman's door and convinced her to get a face-lift she didn't really want. I have enough trouble figuring out how my dad always seems to end up with windows and bank accounts he didn't have any intention of aquiring after someone knocks on the door, but how in the name of all that is holy can you even consider listening to someone who goes door to door trying to convince people to be drugged to unconsciousness so that a stranger can slice into them and pull their skins on tighter?! Am I the only one who would hear alarm bells ringing in my head if this happened to me?! Possibly, yes, as this woman leapt at the chance and was genuinely surprised when things ended in tears.

Another woman travelled from Turkey for liposuction, and woke up a week later in a different hospital with what can only be described as a seam. She now looks like you could unzip her and keep pencils in her stomach. Apparently the surgeon, who, wouldn't you know it, had a history of this sort of thing, botched the operation, severed an artery, and had to rush her to a (stop me if you see this coming) NHS hospital for treatment.

While I'm ranting, I may as well mention the lap dancer who wanted her breasts increased from a B cup to a C. She woke up with an F (am I the only one who pictures her relatives standing around with deeply interested looks and yelling "SURPRISE!" as she comes to?) and as a result could no longer lap-dance. Not to fear. She's since become a teacher. Perhaps this goes some way to explaining the state of the education system, too, but that's another story.

Our penultimate contestant tonight was a heavy smoker with a heart condition (who, funnily enough, was starting to look a little aged.) She was, to be charitable, nothing special to look at anyway. She also happened to neglect to mention her heavy smoking and heart problems to her surgeon, and ended up having a stroke from the stress of the procedure. What a shocker.

However, our prize winner tonight was a woman who had two children and put on weight (she actually put on the equivalent amount of weight of two ten-year-old children, by my calculation) and was offered a stomach reduction and lyposuction on (just the girls! People on the left! All together!) the NHS. Her operation wound became infected, and she contracted gangrene. But this isn't the end of the story. Oh no. After three days, she was allowed home, and was, in her own words, in agony. She then suffered several fits. This, I'm sure you'll agree, is where most of us would plan a return to the hospital. Instead, without going into the exquisite and mind-numbingly sickening detail she indulged in, she waited a further five days (with her condition becoming progressively worse) and nearly died.

Now, is it me, or is there a pattern, here? From what I can see, the sort of people who have cosmetic surgery are the same sort of people who travel to a Polish ghetto for operations, accept advice from travelling facelift salesmen, who don't think that mentioning your liability to have a heart attack mid-operation is anything to trouble your doctor with, and decide that having a series of fits following an operation should be considered a "wait and see" sort of situation.

People who go in for cosmetic surgery, by and large, are stupid.

Now, I'm not for a moment suggesting that there aren't good reasons. If you've been burned or damaged in some severe way that wasn't your fault, or if your body really does look terrible for whatever reason, I can understand the desire to do something about it. Otherwise, here's a pretty solid, iron-clad law of physics from someone who was a straight C student in science: People get older!! Believe it or not (you probably will, I'm quite dull) you've aged since you started reading this. Yeah, you. You, there, in the chair, looking at the screen with the slightly slack-jawed expression you didn't realise you adopted when you read things.

Most people just accept it and move on with things.

If you can't, here's the first of my tips: Stop smoking. Without exception, every single woman of 50-something I've ever seen cram her flabby, drooping body into an outfit far too low, high, tight and stretchy for her has also had a cigarette in her mouth. And too much makeup, but one thing at a time. If you want to stay young-looking, stop poisoning your lungs and skin with nicotine. It'll do you wonders.

Secondly, here's my tip for losing weight without having to have a vacuum cleaner inserted into any orifices or incisions. It's a simple equation: Less food, more exercise. Or, even, equal it out. Exercise proportionate to how much you're eating. Keep an eye out for this, you'd be surprised how many fat people seem oblivious to this law.

As soon as people start to accept that shit (and age) happens, and begin to look after themselves, they'll stop being a drain on the NHS from their botched face-lifts ("Who knew 'Crazy Achmed' wasn't a reputable surgeon?!") and everyone else with real injuries might get some frigging treatment.

This, more than anything else, is the problem with the world today. Years of increased convenience (remember when you had to walk to a certain part of the house just to make a phone call?!) has left western humanity softer than an impotent marshmallow and just desperate for someone or something to blame, and for someone or something else to fix it. "I'm 50 and don't look as good as I did at 19! There must be someone to blame and some procedure I can have!" It's just going to happen, people, and until we all start to face up to the simple and oft-overlooked fact that life has a habit of sucking, we'll never get anywhere. And the people who can't accept that, of course, also can't accept it when their desperate, sad attempts to beat the cosmic house fail, and so they complain about that. I guess, at the end of the day, I'm trying to get across a simple message: You were the one who chose to have that operation, madam, and if it doesn't turn out well, there's nobody to blame but yourself.

Incidentally, I have another weight loss tip. If you can't bear to exercise and cut back on what you eat, just smoke yourself thin. You'll look old, but I can give you the number of a really good plastic surgery salesman. Honest. He's just knocking on the door, now...

Luke Haines

วันอังคารที่ 30 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2551

How to Halt the Train of Aging

Aging would not be so bad if it did not tell on us at every encounter. As we hug one another, we register the love handles on the other's waist, the flab on their arms and the sag on their cheeks. We stare into each other's faces. After all, only saints find no pleasure in the wrinkles of their peers. We are not inexcusable sinners; we are checking to see how well we are holding up. Estimating someone's age and deciding how well that person has aged tells us a lot. Looking and feeling younger than chronological age has increasingly becomes a yardstick of success. Preoccupation with age is a reality for our rapidly aging society. It is part of our resume and every bit as important as our employment records.

We may be justified in our dismay at aging, even scientists are puzzled by the purposelessness of the process. Every biological event in the human body, from conception to puberty to maturity, has a purpose except aging. Aging makes no sense. Scientists are baffled as to why mammals have much shorter life spans than more primitive species. We don't live nearly as long as the Galapagos turtle but we usually wind up looking like one.

Nowadays, researchers hunt for the gene that causes aging. If they find it, they will look for a pill to disable it, as though it were a virus. They face an appalling task. A cell, the simplest form of life, is more complex than Mexico City, the largest city in the world. No one gene or any one hormone is responsible for health and youth. It is the ideal work of all the cells and organs functioning together in complete harmony to prevent the breakdown of the body. What makes us think we can think stop aging just by turning a switch in the body?

The signs of deterioration that we consider the signs of aging are the result of waste overload on the cellular level. When our actions are in opposition to nature, the results are different types of bodily ills, deformities, and ugliness. Eating denatured and devitalized food leaves residues the body cannot utilize, and they are deposited in places our Creator never intended. Whatever the body cannot use, becomes toxic accumulations that steal our health and our youth.

Body acids enter in chemical reactions with waste products causing calcification of the soft tissue. Now tissues of vital organs and glands become burdened with mineral salts and crystalline deposits. Overloaded with waste, they not only can no longer function normally but also become more responsive to gravity's pull. As every tissue elongates and sags, drooping jowls and sagging cheeks begin to drape on both sides of the mouth, and the eyebrows begin to hang over the eyes.

External deformities are direct manifestations of internal pathologies. Ugly ropes of varicose veins, puffy faces, and cellulite are telling tales about your inside condition. Every pimple, psoriasis, or pigment change on your skin is in fact a reflection of some organ struggling to do its job. Every bulge, boil, or swelling is a sign that the body is pushing out some toxins in its effort to protect itself.

Most of us feel our appearance lacks something. In reality, ugliness is more about excess. Toxic accumulations in our bodies are responsible for stealing our health and attractiveness. Beauty lies latent under cushions of retained fluids, deposits of fat, and sick tissues. Your beauty is buried alive, but in most cases it can be revived in a version that will be satisfactory to you. You must take immediate action to revitalize it. When you do, your uncovered beauty will surprise and delight you

Some physical characteristics of our face and body we cannot change--they were determined prior to our birth. But the consumption of the raw plant diet as an adult will make a difference in the texture of skin and hair, the health of nails, weight and complexion. All of these traits and more are determined by daily choices, with food being one of the most important and, luckily, the one we can fully control.

Since there can be no natural health without eating 100 percent natural food, most of people have never explored optimum health. In my book Your Right to Be Beautiful, I advocate a diet made up solely of raw fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds-Rawsome Diet. No, you will not be asked to graze the garden, dig up the squirrel's nuts or dine out on the birdfeeder, but you will be introduced to an unexplored world of preparation techniques that allow you to create not only the most nutritious meals, but also dishes that are delicious, filling and satisfying. Some raw food recipes even mimic traditional cuisine and make the transition to the Rawsome diet easier. There are 100s of different kinds of fruits and veggies, nuts and seeds with a variety of tastes and flavors, which awakened taste buds will begin to appreciate. If you combine only two or three ingredients at each meal, then the number of dish combinations is endless.

The ability to renew cells is built into your body, and the body itself is capable of making you look more attractive. After all, we were designed to bloom continuously as old cells get replaced by new ones. The Rawsome diet makes the most of this rejuvenating ability of our bodies. Rawsome beauty is not manufactured from the outside but cultivated from the inside by nutritionally charged food. Whole raw food restores the integrity of every cell and facilitates the optimal operation of every organ inside and out. The body, having been awakened by the improved diet, in its wisdom, will reach out to the places where health was lacking, and you will gradually see your beauty surfacing. The Rawsome diet will eliminate all the toxins on a deeper level and bring amazing changes to your appearance.

Only the body sustained on raw food will host natural beauty, or should we say Rawsome beauty. The body becomes transcended and will unfold from the inside out. While your non-raw eating peers discover new blemishes, blotches, and moles on a nearly daily basis, you will see your own skin irregularities gradually fade or disappear. Feeding your body raw food will make eyes, once sunken in bulbous flesh, look larger and more round by eliminating the surrounding puffiness and by firming the eyelids. Eyebrows that were beginning to form an awning over the eyes will regain their youthful arch. As natural collagen production improves, it will fill in the places where it is needed as in hollow cheeks. It will not just patch your face, but every one of your 3,000 square inches of skin will improve.

The landscape of the body will change. The surface of the skin will become soft and smooth but still firm and supple. Visible pores will diminish. A sallow skin with a yellow pallor will turn into a porcelain-like complexion. The whites of eyes, once red, will become bright with a bluish tinge. Raw food eating will clarify and refine your features and bring delicacy to your face.

People who have been on the raw food lifestyle for several years begin to have a glow, the kind not often seen in middle-aged people. Optimal health is recognized by an emerging radiance. Glow is hard to fake because it is internal. It comes from an abundance of clear, pink, almost transparent cells that light up the face. Only superior blood circulation can bring this transfiguring glow. Several years on the raw food diet will make you look as though you just stepped out of a painting by Renoir--the impressionist best known for his preoccupation with light.

Colette, France's greatest woman writer, once wrote: &quot;The fear of aging, a commonplace neurosis, does not usually wait for age and spares neither sex.&quot; But aging is full of mercy towards people on the raw food diet. This diet will allow you to ripen, not to decay. Beauty does not have to erode or disappear with age. You will be lithe and limber and keep your loveliness for a long time. It is like winning the Jack Pot in the Age Game. You become age-proof. When you discover The Most Beautiful You, old age will lose its sting, and you will have victory over the ravages of time.

Even on the 100 percent raw food diet, no one lives forever. For individuals who follow this diet for many years, aging comes a week or two before death. Deterioration takes place rapidly. Perennial youth is a perpetual dream. The raw food lifestyle is the closest anyone can come to reaching the maximum life span with the quality of life intact. The diet allows the body to mature gracefully. It produces an alliance of character and health. The Rawsome Diet allows everyone to live as long as God intended and look as God envisioned.

Excerpted from the book &quot;Your Right to Be Beautiful: How to Halt the Train of Aging and Meet the Most Beautiful You&quot; by Tonya Zavasta. The book is available at: <a href="http://www.beautifulonraw.com/html/righttobe.html" target="_new">http://www.beautifulonraw.com/html/righttobe.html</a>

? 2004 Tonya Zavasta

This article may be freely reprinted in its entirety as long as the entire article, byline and URL are included.

About The Author

Tonya Zavasta is the author of the book &quot;Your Right to Be Beautiful: How to Halt the Train of Aging and Meet the Most Beautiful You&quot; and of the soon to be published its sequel &quot;Beautiful on Raw&quot;. In these books Tonya comes across as an ambassador for plain looking women in their quest for physical beauty. Tonya knows firsthand what it is to be humiliated, face adversity and meet the complex obstacles of daily living with a congenital disability. In her forties facing several reconstructive hip surgeries to enable her to walk, she sought a way to offset the devastating effects of anesthetics on her health and appearance. She became convinced that the solution to her quest for health and beauty was to be found in the raw food lifestyle or the Rawsome Diet as she calls it.

To learn more about how you can uncover your Rawsome beauty, visit: <a href="http://www.beautifulonraw.com" target="_new">www.beautifulonraw.com</a>

<a href="mailto:Tonyazavasta@hotmail.com">Tonyazavasta@hotmail.com</a>

Should I Lease A Tanning Bed?

You can lease a tanning bed or beds for your salon and it may be the best way to go. There are advantages when you lease a tanning bed or beds.

If you are the only owner of a tanning bed salon it may be best to lease the tanning bed or beds. Even if you are part of a partnership you may want to consider leasing a tanning bed or two.

When you lease a tanning bed or beds for your business you can have the best equipment for a decent price.

There are many companies that will lease a tanning bed or even several tanning beds. Check the reliability of these companies before you lease a tanning bed. Also compare prices and service when you are thinking about leasing a tanning bed.

When you lease a tanning bed instead of buying you will have more capital to work with. This can be beneficial to your business. Leasing a tanning bed will keep your line of credit open should you need it for other business expenses.

You may find a nice tax break when you lease a tanning bed rather than purchasing it. When you lease a tanning bed you will have a dollar for dollar write off on the lease rental payments.

If you are thinking about leasing a tanning bed or beds for your business you can contact the companies and ask for information concerning your monthly payments. These companies should be able to give you a lease quote over the phone.

Consider leasing a tanning bed or beds if you need this type of equipment for your business.

Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of Tanning-Bed-Solutions.com. He provides more tanning bed information on tanning bed bulbs, tanning bed lotions and <a target="_new" href="http://www.tanning-bed-solutions.com/home-tanning-beds.html">home tanning bed information</a> that you can research in your pajamas on his website.

Eczema: Getting the Facts

People from all walks of life and all ages live with eczema; however, it typically appears in infants. Also called contact dermatitis, eczema is actually a group of skin conditions. Although it may sometimes look like a contagious condition, eczema is not contagious.

Symptoms related to eczema depend on the causes and severity of the form of eczema. A person with mild eczema has dry, hot, and itchy skin. Severe eczema causes the skin to crack, bleed, and often takes a long time to heal. Inflammation in the area is common depending on the type of eczema.

Type of eczema

More information

Atopic eczema

- Most common form of eczema; affects children and adults.Symptoms include:

- extreme itchiness

- dryness of the skin

- redness

- inflammation

Irritant contact dermatitis
- Occurs when skin becomes irritated by detergents and other chemicals (e.g. perfumes, soaps, bubble bath powder and more).

Varicose eczema
- Affects skin on the lower legs and is caused by poor circulation of blood.

Allergic contact dermatitis
- Body's immune system attacks a substance in the skin.

- Symptoms are similar to those listed for atopic eczema.

Infantile seborrhoeic eczema
- Found on infants under one year old.

- Often looks unpleasant but does not affect the infant's comfort and may appear on the scalp or bottom.

Discoid eczema
- Typically associated with adults.

- Found on upper body and lower legs.

Dealing with eczema

In order to deal with eczema, you need to figure out what type of eczema you have. A doctor can help a person living with eczema or someone caring for a child with eczema manage the condition.

Diagnosis of eczema is not simple. A doctor must look at the person's medical history, when they first recognized the condition and what triggers the condition. Some people with atopic dermatitis have allergies and may need allergy testing, especially if treatment with medication is not working.

Reducing the number and frequency of outbreaks is the goal of any eczema treatment. To reach this goal, a person living with eczema may need to:

- make certain lifestyle changes (e.g. avoid certain irritating products)

- use medication to control the outbreaks

- kidneys

- follow a regular skin care routine

Lifestyle changes are often useful in reducing and preventing the symptoms of eczema. However, some of these lifestyle changes work for some people and not others. Some changes to consider include:

- wearing cotton clothing and using cotton bedding to reduce the itchiness associated with the condition. Synthetic fibres don't allow the skin to breathe and wool can irritate the skin.

- using biological laundry detergents, also avoid using fabric softeners. Synthetic laundry detergents, and fabric softeners may increase itchiness and cause a person to scratch more often. As a result, not using them may help reduce the skin's itchiness.

- vacuuming, dusting, and changing bedding regularly. This is extremely important because it reduces the number of house dust mites and the droppings from dust mites that are found in bedding, mattresses, curtains, and carpets.

- possible changes to the foods you eat. Even though the link between diet and eczema is not conclusive, making changes to certain foods consumed in some severe cases of eczema, especially in babies and young children seems beneficial. Always ask your doctor before making dietary changes to ensure the foods eaten will include all necessary nutrients for growth and development.

Common treatments for people with eczema require moisturization of the skin and use of medications, if necessary. Treatment is usually based on a person's age, health, medical history as well as the type and severity of eczema. Possible treatments consist of:

- lotions and creams: These products are applied directly on the skin to keep in as much moisture as possible. Using organic lotions and creams may be a good alternative to non-organic moisturizers since the non-organic moisturizers contain synthetic chemicals that may cause an outbreak. Moisturizing the skin after showering helps lock in moisture.

- medications such as topical steroids, oral steroids, and topical immunomodulators: Prescription and non-prescription corticosteroids come in the form of creams and ointments that can be applied to the skin. Prescription corticosteroids are more potent than non-prescription ointments but both have potential side effects, especially if used for long periods of time. Oral steroids are usually prescribed for severe outbreaks. Topical immunomodulators do not contain steroids and are available by prescription to treat atopic eczema.

Other tips that may help people with eczema improve the skin's condition include:

- keeping nails short

- avoiding sudden changes in temperatures (e.g. going from cold environments to hot environments)

- relaxing to reduce stress


- www.skincarephysicians.com/eczemanet/whatis.aspl

- www.eczema.org

- www.skincarephysicians.com/eczemanet/treatment.aspl

- www.skincarephysicians.com/eczemanet/preventing.aspl

- http://www.naturalmake-up.ca

Lori Stryker has been researching and developing all natural skin care and make-up for the purpose of offering men and women safe, natural cosmetics for everyday use. She brings to her research a specialist in human biology from the University of Toronto, coupled with a professional home economics degree and an education degree from the University of British Columbia, fusing chemical and biological knowledge with food, family and textile sciences.

You may use this article but any modification or publication of this article for fiancial gain must be approved of by the author. The author's name, Lori Stryker and her company's name, The Organic Make-up Company, needs to by noted when used.

วันจันทร์ที่ 29 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Short Hair Style? Make It Stylish, Sexy, and Chic

In all of its transformations and variations, the short hair style has always been numbered at the top of the list when it comes to versatility, style and manageability. No other style catches the eye quite like the short hair style and no other style makes the wearer look as professional, chic and sexy as the short hair style

Short hair styles worn by women are a fairly new style trend when compared with women's hair styles in general. In fact, cropped styles only came to the forefront of fashion a little more than 50 years ago. Since that time, the short hair style has given women the freedom to express themselves in numerous ways. From the funky and spiked to the soft and feminine, the short hair style can be worn by any woman of any personality, style and age.

Short hair no matter what the age

It has long been a held belief that an older woman should wear a short hair style to make her appear younger. While there is some truth in the belief that long hair tends to make wrinkles and flaws more noticeable, short hair styles and long hair styles can both be worn by women of all ages if they choose the right style to compliment their particular face shape and bone structure.

A good rule of thumb to follow when it comes to choosing a short hair style to suit your age is to pay more attention to your overall appearance rather than focus too much on how old you are. For example: Trendy, spiked styles can emphasize flaws and sagging skin, but I have seen women in their 70s with exceptional bone structure wear these short hair styles and look amazing. On the other hand, I have also seen younger women try to wear these same short hair styles and not be able to quite carry it off. So, if you want to wear a short hair style, pay close attention to your face shape, build and style of dress before deciding how to cut your hair.

Short hair to flatter your face

I've heard it said many times by many people, "I always wanted to wear a short hair style, but I don't look right with short hair" Ladies, this is nonsense. Granted, not every woman can wear every short hair style, but every woman can wear a short hair style that is tailor-made to compliment their face shape and beautiful features.

There are five basic face shapes: oval, heart, round, square and triangular. All of these shapes can be beautiful, but one is ideal: oval. No matter what shaped face you have, achieving the perfect look involves picking the right cut or short hair style that will make your face appear more oval.

To do this, you and your stylists can try different variations of popular short hair styles to compliment your individual features. For example: If you have a round face shape, you can still wear your favorite short hair style as long as you bring some hair forward on your cheekbones and wear a little height in the bang to give your face the illusion that it is oval.

The bottom line is that the short hair style is not for just a few who have been blessed with perfectly proportioned features. With the right short hair style, you too can sport trendy sexy cropped locks that will be guaranteed to turn a few heads.

Michael Barrows' website gives great advice for good hair. Get your free ebook packed with hair style and hair care tips and advice, visit <a target="_new" href="http://www.great-hairstyles.com">http://www.great-hairstyles.com</a>

Plastic Surgery - A Risky Business

When most of us think of plastic surgery, we contemplate the different things we would - or are going to - have done: that bump on the nose smoothed down, the perky boobs put in, the fat we'll have sucked out. But perhaps the most important question we should ask when considering plastic surgery is not what - but rather why?

Plastic surgery is becoming an increasingly popular choice as people realise that they no longer have to tolerate a body part that they find aesthetically upsetting. And while the procedures involved in plastic surgery can be as risky as having any other operation performed, the truth is that technological advances have made having plastic surgery easier than ever before. Within minimal time frames, patients can be up and about again, with all manner of altered body parts, and, theoretically at least, with exactly what they wanted. So why is it that many plastic surgery patients are no happier after surgery than they were before?

Plastic surgery is not a cure-all, and must not be seen as such. Many prospective patients await anaesthesia with unrealistic expectations in mind. And no matter how obvious an assertion it might seem, too many patients are not grasping it fully - plastic surgery can alter our bodies, but not the way we feel inside.

For many patients, it is not the decried body part that is the true problem, but rather the self-perception with which it is viewed. In other words, the wish to change a physical attribute can be a symptom of a larger problem. While there is no doubt that many patients find their confidence improved ten-fold after surgery, there are many other who, without realistic expectations of what the operation would change, simply remove their dissatisfaction from the altered body part to a new one.

Plastic surgery changes the body, not body image. So before considering any physical alteration, ask yourself whether your issue is something that can only be changed from the inside out. Because unless you are having surgery to simply change the dimensions of a part of your body, you will be disappointed with the results. Approach your self-perception first - you might be surprised with the effectiveness of a little surgery to the psyche.

Jeff Lakie is the founder of <a target="_new" href="http://www.before-and-after-breast-augmentation.com">Plastic Surgery Resources</a> a website providing information on cosmetic surgery.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 28 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Petroleum and Cosmetics: What are the Potential Health Risks?

What is petroleum?

Crude oil, sometimes called petroleum, is a fossil fuel that was produced deep in the earth through a process that took millions of years to complete.

Millions of years later, almost all of us come into contact with a derivative of petroleum every day. Through a process called fractional distillation, petroleum refineries break petroleum into many of its smaller components. Each of these smaller components is made up of molecules called hydrocarbons.

The world is full of products that come from petroleum. For example, gasoline, styrofoam, lubricating oils, and many other items are all derivatives of this raw material. How are petroleum and cosmetics related? The two seemingly unrelated items, petroleum and cosmetics, are indeed closely related in our modern world.

Mineral oil and petroleum are the basic ingredients in many cosmetic products today. Both mineral oil and petroleum have the same origins in fossils fuels. Cosmetics such as foundations, cleansers, and moisturizers often contain mineral oil. By locking moisture against the skin, mineral oil sits on the skin's surface and can potentially block pores. This may cause the appearance of pimples because the skin cannot properly 'breathe'.

Fragrances in lotions, shampoos, and many other cosmetic products are composed of aromatic hydrocarbons. Perfumes and products containing fragrance can contain many hundreds of chemicals to produce a distinct scent. A significant number of these aromas are derived from petroleum.

One popular chemical additive that carries moisture in cosmetics is propylene glycol. It is also a derivative of petroleum. Some products that list propylene glycol as an ingredient include:

- anti-freeze

- laundry detergent

- paint

- shampoo

- conditioner

Past research links propylene glycol to serious health problems as liver and kidney damage as well as respiratory irritation or nausea if swallowed.

An antiseptic, isopropyl alcohol, kills bacteria on the skin. You can find it on the ingredient list of cleansers, toners and other cosmetic products. Unfortunately, this derivative of petroleum dries the skin and may cause miniature cracks in the skin that allow bacteria to enter, potentially causing irritations or pimples.

Do these petroleum-derived products affect your health?

Your skin covers your body and acts as a physical barrier to many of the pollutants in the atmosphere. When you use products on your skin such as cosmetics, lotions, and shampoos, the ingredients in these products come into direct contact with your body's largest organ; your skin. You may ask yourself, where do the ingredients in the products go? Modern research at the Herb Research Foundation found that the skin absorbs up to 60% of the chemicals in products that it comes into contact with directly into the bloodstream. Today, hormone therapy treatments and smoking cessation medications are often prescribed as patches that you apply directly to the skin. The medication passes through the skin and directly enters the bloodstream.

For pregnant women, the risk is not only for her body but also for the developing fetus. If the chemicals found in cosmetics readily enter the bloodstream when applied to the skin, then they will also reach the developing baby. Researchers at the Brunel University in England are looking closely at a family of preservatives called parabens. Their research has recently linked parabens to the possibility that male babies will have lower sperm counts. These preservatives are derived from petroleum and help to maintain the freshness and integrity of the product. Currently, many manufacturers add parabens to cosmetics to allow a minimum of 3 years shelf life. Therefore, the parabens kill any bacteria that could potentially enter the product. If these chemical ingredients can kill the bacterial cells, what are they doing to your skin cells? In most cases, there is no conclusive answer to this question. However, the research mentioned strongly suggests that the synthetic ingredients may have a significant impact on our bodies.

In many cases, the long-term effects of many of the chemical additives in our cosmetics are not known. However, other chemical additives are known carcinogens. These types of chemicals can cause cancer in humans. Such chemicals include some artificial colours in cosmetics. The effects of chemicals and other synthetic ingredients in cosmetics may lead to mild allergic reactions causing rashes and minor skin irritation to more significant problems such as lesions on the skin.

What are your alternatives for cosmetics?

Luckily, there are alternatives to cosmetics filled with synthetically produced ingredients. Increasingly, cosmetic manufacturers are answering the public's demand for alternatives to the chemically loaded beauty and grooming supplies. The Organic Make-up Company is one such company that is leading the way in producing high-quality, organically manufactured cosmetics! As a consumer, you have the ability to decrease the number of preservatives and chemical additives your skin comes into contact with and therefore, that may enter your body. To avoid using the synthetically derived fragrances, look for products containing essential oils. These are pure oils derived from flowers and other plants in nature.

All you have to do is make the simple choice of purchasing cosmetic products with all-natural, organic ingredients. Whether you continue using cosmetics that contain petroleum-based ingredients or not is a personal choice. What is the most important is to get the facts and to know that you have a choice when it comes to buying organic or synthetic cosmetic products.


- Fairley, Josephine. Organic beauty: look and feel gorgeous the natural way. Dorling Kindersley : London, 2001.

- http://www.hans.org/web_articles/h07drugschemicals/h0799whatisreallyinyourhbprods.aspl, accessed Oct. 3, 2004.

- http://www.naturalmakeup.ca

Lori Stryker has been researching and developing all natural skin care and make-up for the purpose of offering men and women safe, natural cosmetics for everyday use. She brings to her research a specialist in human biology from the University of Toronto, coupled with a professional home economics degree and an education degree from the University of British Columbia, fusing chemical and biological knowledge with food, family and textile sciences.

You may use this article but any modification or publication of this article for fiancial gain must be approved of by the author. The author's name, Lori Stryker and her company's name, The Organic Make-up Company, needs to by noted when used.

Beauty - Is It Really Only Skin Deep?

We are in the age of cosmetology, plastic surgery, implants and a constant barrage from TV and magazines that want to sell us beauty and weight loss products. It is an enormously profitable industry that keeps us spellbound for the next new thing that will take away our wrinkles or firm our skin or help us lose weight.

Unfortunately society all over the world from the deepest, most remote areas of the planet to modern society will judge you by how you look. It is true! We all do it, some more than others. When you are walking through a mall or standing in line somewhere you are assessing people around you. When we are looking for a job we dress to impress. When we go out for an evening we dress to impress. Women usually pay more attention to detail then men.

But there is more to beauty then cosmetics and clothes. If you are very healthy looking then you are more likely to give a good impression. If you are a good listener, helpful or witty and cheerful, people are more likely to want to be around you. Cosmetics and clothing can definitely help but I suggest starting from the inside out.

1) Get plenty of sleep. This is a must. You cannot function properly when you are tired and it will show on your face. If you have a problem with getting enough sleep then you need to investigate the cause and handle it accordingly.

2) Drink plenty of water. Most people are semi dehydrated and don't get enough water daily.

3) Eat healthy food. Give up the junk and sugar foods. Your metabolism will be working better if you eat regular healthy meals.

4) You may want to consider taking supplements to get the vitamins and minerals your body needs.

5) Exercise. Our bodies need to move. We have become somewhat of a couch potato society. Have you noticed that when you are lazy you are less likely to want to get up and do anything? Exercising 30 minutes three times a week should help you lose weight and keep healthy.

6) Manicures and pedicures and keeping your body clean will keep you healthy and will be appreciated by others.

7) Keep up with the times on fashion. You don't want the outdated look.

8) Dress for your age. At 12 you don't need to look 20, or if your 50, you don't need to look 18. Be well dressed for your age.

9) If you need help with hair and makeup, find an expert to help you with that.

10) And finally, smile. No one really cares to be near Mr. or Mrs. Grumpy.

Some people naturally do all or most of these things, but if you aren't one of them then look at what would motivate you to do this. Do you have a spouse you want to look good for? Are you single and want to attract someone? Do you have children or grandchildren you want to be healthier and be a good role model for?

There is an awesome <a target="_new" href="http://www.artinspires.com/display_motivational.asp?c=Balance">motivational poster</a> that inspired me to write about this subject. Get healthy, and be happy.

Willie Jones

Willie is a freelance writer, researcher, floral designer, and artist. Thanks very much for reading this far. &quot;Make sure you enroll in the free motivational poster drawing at <a target="_nwe" href="http://www.artinspires.com">http://www.artinspires.com/</a>. All winners receive a free framed print.&quot;

Celtic Tattoos and Their Popularity

The history of the Celtic peoples goes back thousands of years. The early Celts displayed their skills in complex artwork particularly metal, jewelry and weapons as they were regarded as fierce warriors by the Romans. Evidence of celtic crossses and celtic artwork can still be found all over Ireland.

Modern Celtic peoples have evolved symbols for themselves, and in the North American people of Celtic descentoften wear these symbols to show that they are of Celtic descent. The ancient Celts passed knowledge down through an oral tradition of storytelling and didn't keep many written records, consequently, there is little evidence of their tattooing remaining even though celtic cross tattoos and celtic know tattoos are very popular designs.

Most of Celtic tattoo designs are taken from the Irish Illuminated Manuscripts 'The Book of Kells', on display in the library of Trinity College in Dublin, my home town. This is a much later time period than the height of Celtic tattooing. Designs from ancient stone and metal work are more likely to be from the same time period as Celtic tattooing.

Celtic knot tattoos are usually loops with no end or beginning symbolising the never ending cycle of death and rebirth. Celtic animal (zoomorphic tattoo designs) designs are similar in construction but the cords terminate in feet, heads, tails. Pure knots are usually unending, unless the end of a strand is stylized into a zoomorphic element or a spiral.

Celtic knotwork's meaning defies literal translation and is to be found at a deeper level. The repeated crossing of the physical and the spiritual are expressed in the interlace of the knots. The never ending path of the strands may represent the permanence and the continuum of life, love and faith and for these reason celtic tattoos have become so popular.

For people who have a Celtic heritage, whether Irish, Scots or Welsh , getting a Celtic design can be a way of expressing pride in their heritage by reaffirming an affinity the indigenous artistic style of their ancestors. They are usually not easy designs to do, and it is strongly recommended to anyone contemplating getting one to make sure that the artist they are considering has experience in designing Celtic tattoos. Not all tattoo artist have the eye for detail and exacting line placement needed to draw the intricate patterns particular to Celtic art.

Tattoo Designs & Tattoo Galleries <a target="_new" href="http://www.tao-of-tattoos.com">http://www.tao-of-tattoos.com</a>

วันเสาร์ที่ 27 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Cosmetic Chin Surgery - The Final Facial Touch

When either cosmetic or plastic surgery are mentioned to us, our thoughts run immediately to breast implants or liposuction, but there are many other procedures available that although they might not receive the same attention of their more obvious counterparts can have a huge impact upon both the appearance and the self confidence of a patient. One of these unsung heroes is cosmetic chin surgery, which can exert a profound effect that belies the ease with which it can be performed.

Cosmetic chin surgery is a relatively simple procedure that is usually performed in about an hour or so. Scarring is minimal, and though the patient might be limited to a liquid diet for the two or three days following surgery, recovery time is typically fast, and patients are back to their usual routines within a couple of days. Side effects, including the risk of infection or numbness in the area, are rare, making the benefits of cosmetic chin surgery far outweigh the risks.

And the benefits are striking. Those of us with ample chins have probably never noticed how they suitably frame our facial features, creating a sense of balance in our face. A smaller or receding chin can set this balance awry, placing a disproportionate emphasis on other features, such as the nose, particularly if this is already large - in fact, chin and nose surgeries are commonly performed in a complimentary fashion, in order to balance the patient's features, and release their true beauty.

Cosmetic chin surgery involves the simple insertion of an implant through an incision made either underneath the chin or in the mouth. The implant will be custom designed for each patient, insuring that the client achieves precisely the look that they and their surgeon have agreed will be most flattering to their features. The surgery can be performed under either local or general anaesthetic, and is usually done on an out patient basis - meaning that before the day is out, you will be at home again, waiting until your bandaging can be removed so that you can see the new you, in all your glory.

Jeff Lakie is the founder of <a target="_new" href="http://www.tummy-tuck-information.com">Plastic Surgery Resources</a> a website providing information on cosmetic surgery.

The Healing Properties of Green Tea

The healing properties of greeen tea have put it in the forefront of today's wellness news.

Known for its versatile and positive properties benefiting the whole body, it promotes blood circulation and increases the body's natural resistance, helping with oxygenation.

Proponents of green tea claims it achieves greater harmony and improves the body's ability to handle the external physical and psycological pressures of life.

Green tea also prevents tooth decay and make teeth more resistant to acids, promote digestion and cleanse the body internally.

Unlike black tea, which oxidizes as it dries, changing the characteristics of the tea, green tea is flash-steamed for about 20 seconds to retain the maximum amount of active properties.

Green tea contains vitamin B, as well as C and E. Many tea drinkers say that they actually feel less tired and brightens their whole outlook.

Mina Dimakis-Lev is an skincare specialist and professional makeup artist for the past 13 years. Her expertise in sincare and makeup followed by writing articles on how to take care of your skin, body,and applying makeup like an expert.

<a target="_new" href="http://www.BeautyImagebyMina.com">http://www.BeautyImagebyMina.com</a>

วันศุกร์ที่ 26 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2551

How to Choose the Right Sunless Tanning Product

Sunless tanning products come in several forms. The efficacy and results of these methods vary. Prices also vary. Treatments can cost anywhere from just a few dollars for a sunless tanning cream, to as much as $100 an hour for a few sessions at a salon. With so many options for sunless tanning, it can be hard to decide which sunless tanning products are best.

Most sunless tanning aids are harmless, but none will prevent the skin damage caused by the sun and UV radiation. Additional precautions will need to be taken to prevent sun damage. Furthermore, methods such as tanning beds and tanning pills are controversial and thought to be unsafe. The FDA, in fact, has not approved most tanning pills. Another facet of sunless tanning products is how long they last. Spray tans will last five to seven days, while tans from creams or powders will wash off quickly.

There are three types of ultraviolet or UV radiation put out by the sun and by tanning beds and lamps: UVC, at 100 to 290 nm, UVB, at 290 to 320 nm, and UVA, at 320 to 400 nm. It is the UVA and UVB rays that are the most harmful to our skin. UVB is easier to protect against than UVA, but both cause very real damage. Going sunless does not guarantee against skin damage from UV radiation.

Another determining factor for which sunless tanning products will work for an individual is skin type. Not only will bronzers and cream and sprays give differing results for fair or darker skin, but fair-skinned people are more susceptible to burning when using sunless tanning means such as tanning beds or tanning lamps. The melanin produced by people with fairer skin, particularly redheads, does not absorb radiation as well as that produced by less fair skinned people, leaving these individuals more susceptible to sun damage.

Perhaps you want a suntanned look for just one occasion such as an evening out. Maybe you want something with more even coverage and a longer life. Or, maybe you've looked at all options available in sunless tanning products and decided to get your tan the old-fashioned way, after all. All of this is perfectly fine. If you choose the latter, however, be sure to take measures to protect your skin.

<a target="_new" href="http://www.e-sunlesstanning.com">Sunless Tanning Info</a> provides detailed information about sunless tanning lotion, booths, sprays, salons, and pills, as well as reviews of best sunless tanning products and methods. Sunless Tanning Info is the sister site of <a target="_new" href="http://www.i-tanningbeds.com">Tanning Beds Web</a>.

The Perfect Sun Tanning Bed

The perfect sun tanning bed can mean different things to different people.

The perfect sun tanning bed can be one found at the tanning salon. The perfect sun tanning bed could be the one you use in the privacy of your own home.

Maybe the perfect sun tanning bed is very expensive. The perfect sun tanning bed may be the one you found at an auction for a really reasonable price.

The perfect sun tanning bed could mean a certain brand or model. Maybe the perfect sun tanning bed is a Wolff, Tanses or Sunquest.

The perfect sun tanning bed may be perfect because it allows you to tan very quickly. You may consider a bed perfect because you so not need to &quot;flip&quot; during the tanning process.

You may be able to find the perfect sun tanning bed online. The perfect sun tanning bed could be the one that will arrive on your doorstep in less than a week.

You might find a perfect sun tanning bed for sale in the classifieds or even at a garage sale. The perfect sun tanning bed may become available when a local tanning salon closes its doors.

The perfect sun tanning bed may be UV free. Maybe the perfect sun tanning bed for you features 160Watt tubes. Could it be that the perfect sun tanning bed has a highly efficient cooling system that will keep you from feeling hot even while you are building the deep, dark tan you wish to attain?

The perfect sun tanning bed is out there, just waiting for you!

Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of Tanning-Bed-Solutions.com. He provides more tanning bed information on tanning bed bulbs, tanning bed lotions and <a target="_new" href="http://www.tanning-bed-solutions.com/home-tanning-beds.html">home tanning bed information</a> that you can research in your pajamas on his website.

Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck) Information

Abdominoplasty, commonly known as a tummy tuck, is a major surgical procedure for men and women generally in good shape and health but who have large fat deposits around their abdomen or have and excess of loose skin. Abdominoplasty can reduce protruding abdominal fat but it does leave a lengthy, permanent, sometimes visible scar that runs the length of the hipbones. Also during abdominoplasty, the vertical muscles of the abdomen are tightened.

Often, people who have abdominoplasty surgery are women who don't intend to bear more children and whose previous pregnancies stretched their abdominal muscles or people suffering from obesity whose skin elasticity has diminished.

During the procedure patients are either given a sedative and local anesthesia or general anesthesia. An incision is made between the hipbones and around the belly button. Then the skin is separated from the abdominal wall and lifted over the vertical abdominal muscles. These muscles are then sewn together to tighten them. Next the skin is stretched down and flattened and the remaining skin left over the incision is cut away and the skin flap is sewn into its new place.

After surgery, supportive garments should be worn and after three weeks all sutures will have been removed. Post-operative exercise is encouraged to tone the muscles and healthy lifestyle and diet is encouraged to maintain the results.

While abdominoplasty leaves a significant scar, it doesn't show under most clothes and under some swim suits and most people are happy with the procedure because they look better, feel healthier, and are in less pain.

Want more Information about <A target="_new" href="http://www.sleepingswan.com/articles/Abdominoplasty.htm">Tummy Tuck</A> Cosmetic Surgery?

Find a qualified <A href="http://www.sleepingswan.com/" target="_new">Cosmetic Surgeon</A> in Your Area at <a target="_new" href="http://www.sleepingswan.com">http://www.sleepingswan.com</a>

Japanese Hair Straightening

By now, I'm sure you've heard of the hair straightening process invented in Japan that has swept America and made countless women forever grateful to it's hair-transforming powers. It goes by several different names - Japanese Straightening, Thermal Reconditioning, Straight Perm, and Japanese Straight Perm. So, what exactly can you expect after a thermal reconditioning service? Well, it's actually nothing short of miraculous, if you choose the right product and stylist.

I had my treatment done at a Japanese salon in Ohio that specializes in this service. After about six hours of sitting in the salon, being alternately shampooed, heated under intense heat lamps, blown out, flat ironed, and then going through the entire process again, I emerged from the salon with a completely retexturized, smooth and sleek head of hair. All together, the straightening process cost about $750, including a VERY generous tip and a large bottle of shampoo and conditioner specially formulated for my new tresses. The hourly rate for the service was $80, which is actually below most others that charge about $100 an hour. I was under strict instuctions to guard my hair from water or any type of moisture for the next 72 hours.

I was completely thrilled with my new hair. The light reflected off of it like crazy, and it blew naturally in the breeze, not at all dried out or artificial, like you might expect after a chemical treatment. It actually was in the best condition ever, which seemed counterintuitive since it had esentially just been through six hours of chemical and heat treatment. Nevertheless, it was absolutely and undeniably true.

I was told I would need to come back for a touch up on the new growth anywhere from 6 months to a year, depending on how straight I wanted it to stay and the rate of hair growth. It is now six months later, and even though it has more body, it is still shiny and smooth. I actually like it a little more with some body at the roots. It gives it a little extra lift, and the remaining hair is still straight and manageable.

There are some things you want to look out for when searching for a salon that offers thermal reconditioning. First, find out which straightening product they use. The best Japanese Straightening System is Liscio, and the second is Yuko. Both are made in Japan. Any others are to be cautiously researched. Liscio has produced the best results on clients, and if you've read about it anywhere, there is nothing negative to be reported. This is the system the salon I went to used, and my results were healthy and beautiful. Second, make sure the technician performing the service has plenty of experience in the process. Any good salon will provide you with before and after pictures of their work.

Third, be sure to be open and honest with the stylist about any prior haircoloring or processing, so they can adjust the treatment accordingly for the best results. Don't fall in to the trap of buying expensive shampoos and conditioners like I did (I spent about $85 on shampoo and conditioner).

You can actually use several quality, gentle shampoos and intensive conditioners and get the same, if not better, results ( http://www.cosmeticsgalore.com/best-haircare-products-reviews.html ).

After Japanese Straightening, you do want to be sure to keep hair protected from the sun and moisturized, so frequent deep conditioning and an SPF spray or other UV protective hair product is highly recommended. You must wait at least one to two months before coloring your hair after the treatment, depending on your stylist's recommendations. If you can, go to a stylist who was actually trained by a top technician at the corporate headquarters for the system they use. This assures they have been trained correctly and specifically on how to get the best results possible.

What this means for you is a lower risk of getting a "botched" straightening job or damaged hair. Do your research. Get online and find the salons in your area that offer the service along with their credentials. After all, you don't want to waste your hard-earned money on something that is less than a superior result. The cost of the treatment can be very high, especially if your hair is particularly long or hard to "de-curl". Typically, the longer and curlier the hair, the longer the process takes, and the more you will spend.

Bottom line, if your hair is unruly, frizzy, or overly curly and you would like to have low maintenance, hassle free hair that is shiny and straight, the "Japanese Straight Perm" is just the thing for you. I know I will be going back for a second round!

Danna Schneider is the webmaster of the beauty and makeup product review and advice website CosmeticsGalore.com <a target="_new" href="http://www.cosmeticsgalore.com">http://www.cosmeticsgalore.com</a> and her new dedicated natural breast-enhancement site <a target="_new" href="http://www.natural-breast-guide.com">http://www.natural-breast-guide.com</a>.- providing reviews and research on everything from natural breast enhancement products and cellulite treatments to self tanners, acne treatments, and makeup. She is a cosmetics and beauty product researcher and enthusiast.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 25 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2551

For All Those Beginners: How Do I Put On Make-Up?

It is very important to start with a clean slate. Use a gentle cleanser with a light exfoliant. It is important to make sure that it is hypoallergenic. Your face is a very sensitive area and it won't take much to irritate it and make things worse. Whether you are in the shower or standing at the sink, gently apply a small amount, about the size of a pea, onto your face and softly rub onto face in an upwards motion, your forehead and left-right motion. Someday there will be a point when we are all worried about getting wrinkles and bags, and by always touching our face in an upwards motion it will help delay the aging process on our faces. We shouldn't help the aging process along at all, even if our faces are fresh and wrinkle-free now. Gently rinse the cleanser off and pat your face dry with a soft warm towel.

Soft as a baby butt! A good moisturizer is key. Your face will feel very itchy and flakey if you don't keep it moist. I like, again, Velocity facial moisturizer. It is lightweight and doesn't leave your face feeling greasy. Plus it helps absorb oil throughout the day. Apply a small amount, maybe a little more than the size of a pea, and gently massage it into your face. Make sure you are still using the upwards motion we talked about in step 1. Massage into face until all excess moisturizer in absorbed into your skin. Now doesn't that feel good??

Build a strong foundation. Some people do not like to use foundation and that is ok. But foundation is a great way to help protect your face from all those hazardous things you literally "face" everyday. The sun, wind, rain--anything can cause your face to get irritated. A good foundation will help protect your face from whatever is out there. Try a foundation with a light sunscreen in it. The extra protection will make a big difference. Make sure that you do not get a color that is too light or too dark for your face or it will look too painted on. It is important for it to look natural. If you really want a nice warm look on your face, a darker foundation is not the answer. Try some bronzer, which will be mentioned later. The general rule of thumb is to try to match your foundation with the color of your neck. This will assure that it is the most natural color you could wear. Blend the foundation into your face and make sure that is it all absorbed before you move onto the next step. A triangle sponge is very helpful to blend the foundation the best.

Conceal those blemishes. Chances are, like most of us out there, you might have some imperfections on your face. Try a slightly lighter that your foundation shade of concealer. You have the option of applying your concealer before, or after, your foundation, but it seemed to make the most sense to put things in this order. Apply a very small amount of concealer on the tip of your ring finger and lightly dab it on the desired areas of your face. Typical concealer is placed on the under-eyes and on any pimples that might be visible at the time. Dab on the concealer and allow it to dry for a few seconds and start to carefully blend it into your skin to make it look as natural as possible. If needed apply some more foundation to help it blend even more. Let concealer fully absorb before moving onto the next step.

Loosen up with powder. Get your hands on nice large powder brush. After putting on your foundation and concealer, use either a loose or pressed powder to help set the make-up on your face. Lightly dab your brush into your powder and get a small to moderate amount onto the end of your brush. If using a loose powder, lightly tap the end of your brush on the counter to cause the powder to drop into the bristles a little so that it doesn't just fall onto the first part of your face that you touch. Lightly stroke your face with your brush in downward strokes until your entire face has been brushed and you have achieved a nice matte look on your face. This is the only time we would ever use a downwards motion on your face. Unfortunately all of us have small amount of "peach fuzz" on our faces and by brushed our faces downwards it helps to lay those little hairs down and make them less noticeable. Make sure that your powder is applied evenly and move onto the next step.

You want your make-up to last all day, right? I thought so. To make it last, I suggest using an eye shadow primer before applying any eye makeup. Try Urban Decay's Primer Potion. Apply it everywhere you apply eye makeup. Then that ever-elusive eye shadow and liner will stay put for you. Sounds nice, doesn't it? Now its time to line those gorgeous gems of yours. Eyeliner is good to start with so you don't mess with your mascara. Some of you don't like eyeliner, so you can just skip this step. Anyways, first you have to decide which eyeliner formula to use: liquid, or pencil. Both have their advantages. Liquids are usually more long lasting as they don't smudge, and provide you with a clearer, definite line. The fact that you have to "paint" it on and wait for it to dry can make it tricky though. Pencils give a smokier, sultry quality and can be applied more easily and with more precision. However, they have tendency to smudge. Starting at the inner corner of your eye, slowly apply a thin streak along your lash line. If you are using liquid, fan it dry, then open up and see how you like it. Too thin? Try it again, this time a little thicker. Too thick? Dab a q-tip with water or eye-makeup remover, and swipe away from the thickness until you're satisfied with the result. It's also a good idea to make your eyeliner thicker toward the outer corners of your eyes to make them look larger. If you would like, repeat the process on the bottom lash line, or just above it at the inner rim of your eye (this can be tricky for beginners.)

Open your eyes to the wonders of eye shadow! Yes, this sounds cheesy, but with practice eye shadow really is amazing. There are so many effects to choose from when using eye shadow. But basics are still good, so here goes. First decide what color family you want your eye shadow to be. Pink and blue are popular as well as neutrals like brown, peach, and cream. From these color group, pick one color as dark as your skin tone (think basic pink), one darker or brighter than your skin tone (think darker mauve or hot pink), and one much lighter than your skin tone (think pale pink). Using an eye shadow sponge apply the darker or brighter shadow along the crease (basically, the dip between lid and brow bone), applying more heavily toward the outer half. Then with the medium shade and an eye shadow brush, dust the lid and smudge the edges of the darker color until things look even. Then wipe the brush off on a towel or piece of toilet paper, and sweep it through the lightest shade. Then sweep the brush along your brow bone to taste. Tweak your shadow as much as you want using our other tips sections.

Bat those lashes, girls! Time to put the finishing touch on your eyes: mascara. Its less versatile but can be the most beautifying of your eye makeup. Start out by, if you wish, curling your eyelashes wish a metal lash curler. Place at the base of your lashes and squeeze gently. Then take your mascara wand, dab the tip off on a towel, and place the brush at the base of your eyelashes, under your lashes. Wiggle the as you push it up through your lashes. Repeat as necessary, focusing on the tips after the first stroke. Coat your bottom lashes as much as you want, but they are less important.

The apple of my... cheek? This is the easiest of all the steps. Get your blush, and with a nice, mid-sized blush brush, lightly brush your cheeks in an upwards motion. Starting at the apple of you cheek, right below the middle of your eye (in most cases), brush outward toward your hairline lifting the brush away from your face as you go. Doing this will focus colored where you first applied it and will blend it outwards to create the desired effect. Use a triangle sponge to blend even more if desired.

Luscious Lips! There are many options when it comes to your lips. Lipstick or lip gloss? Matte lipstick or metallic? Shimmer gloss or shiny? In the end, the only thing that matters is what you like. If you do want to use a liner, I would suggest going with a natural or neutral shade. You can change things up a bit with different colored lipstick or gloss--depending on your mood. If you want something a little more daring, try a liner a shade or 2 darker than your actual lip color. Take the liner in your hand and hold it like you would a normal pencil. With light strokes, "draw" an outline of your lips starting at the top in the center of your lips and working outwards and down. If needed, lightly stroke the liner on the inside area of your lips to help blend the color so you don't have such a definite line. If you don't want lipstick then skip this step. Take your lipstick and, again, start in the middle on your top lip and work your way out and down. Rub back and forth until you get the desired amount on your lips and then smack your lips together to ensure uniformity. Top it all off with a nice lightly colored lip gloss. Apply like you would the lipstick blending as you go. Smack your lips together again and check your teeth to make sure you don't have any smudges.

Written By:
Katie Weaver & Debbie Frantzen
<a target="_new" href="http://www.glitznspritz.com">http://www.glitznspritz.com</a>

5 Tips to Enjoying Your Day Spa Visit

There's just something about walking into a day spa, isn't there? It's a haven from your hectic every day life, an oasis that lets you do something just for you. That massage or body treatment feels like a guilty indulgence, even though it's probably necessary for your sanity!

Whether you're visiting a day spa for the first time or the fiftieth, these tips will help you get the most out of your massage, body wrap, aromatherapy, etc.

1. Remember when Mom told you not to swim for an hour after eating? Well, the same holds true for spa visits. Don't eat for at least an hour before a massage or body treatment.

2. Arrive 30 minutes early. If you're worried about being late, tapping your foot waiting for the elevator and rushing to the receptionist desk, you won't get nearly as much out of your visit.

3. RELAX! I know, that's how you're supposed to feel after you're done. If you can take a few deep breaths before your treatment (in the waiting room, since you're early, right?), your experience will be that much more rewarding.

4. Drink LOTS of water before and after. Water enhances the detoxifying and rehydrating benefits.

5. Talk to your therapists - they don't bite! If anything feels off, let them know: too hot/cold, too much pressure/too little pressure, music's too loud - anything. They want you to have the best experience possible so you'll come back for more.

Theresa Carter is the creator and publisher of TheLocalTourist.com, a free online guide to downtown Chicago. Find restaurants, bars, spas, salons, events, attractions, shopping, media, transportation ? anything Chicago. Theresa also provides a weekly events newsletter. <a target="_new" href="http://www.thelocaltourist.com">http://www.thelocaltourist.com</a>

Bifocal Contact Lenses

Anyone who has needed prescription bifocal glasses in the past waited for years in order to be able to wear bifocal contact lenses. Bifocal contact lenses are now more than a wish for anyone who ever wanted to shed their bifocal glasses for the convenience and look of contacts. All bifocal contact lenses are designed to provide corrected vision to people who have a condition that is known as presbyopia. Presbyopia is farsightedness resulting from a reduced ability to focus caused by loss of elasticity of the crystalline lens with age and requires those who have it to wear bifocal contact lenses.

People who required something like bifocal contact lenses will often have to hold reading material or other reading material closer to the eyes in order to make out the words. Just about every maker of bifocal contact lenses is available in either a soft contact lens or a gas permeable contact lens. The latest in bifocal contact lens technology and development also allow contact lens wearers to choose disposable contact lenses that can be replaced after wearing them for just a short time. Some of the disposable contact lenses allow users to have new bifocal contact lenses for each day of the week.

Bifocal contact lenses are made similar to the way bifocal glasses were designed to offer wearers two different visions when looking in a particular direction. Bifocal contact lenses have two different strengths that correct nearsighted vision and farsighted vision. Each time a person puts on their bifocal contact lenses, he or she may take some time to get used to the way the two different powers blend when viewing various distances, but the eye adjusts quickly and any contrasting or blurred areas will be differentiated in no time.

Bifocal contact lenses can be made in different designs including concentric, alternating and simultaneous vision styles. Bifocal contact lenses that are made with the concentric design have the center part of the lens with the distance power and the outside portion of the lens has the closer power. Bifocal contact lenses that are made with the alternating vision style are quite similar to the way traditional bifocal eyeglasses are made with a line separating the two powers into the top half and the bottom half of the lens. Bifocal contact lenses made with the simultaneous vision style places the center of the lens over the cornea so that the two powers are split over the pupil and the eye trains itself to tell the difference between the powers that accommodate the proper vision necessary.

About The Author: Kevin Lynch is the owner of <A target="_new" href="http://www.nu-contact-lenses.com">nu Contact Lenses</a> website, which have tons of resources with a variety of information, news and more.

วันพุธที่ 24 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Skin Care Secrets ? You Can Have Beautiful Skin

Your skin is the largest organ of your body, just like your heart or your kidney. Its job is to protect your insides so it is important for it to be healthy. If you eat a healthy diet, drink lots of water, keep it clean, and protect it from the sun, your skin will stay healthy all your life.

A skin care program is the combination of skin care products and a routine that will be most beneficial to the skin. You will first need to consider your diet and type of life-style since these two factors play an important role in the health of a person's skin.

Diet - Eat Well

What you put into your body has a huge effect on how the outside looks and feels. Eating healthy foods is important. Remember to feed and nourish your skin by eating the proper foods. Give your skin a drink too. Eight glasses of are essential to maintaining your skin's elasticity and suppleness, say experts. The water you choose can be sparkling water, mineral or straight from the tap. You still can't beat the old fruit and vegetable diet when it comes to good health and a good complexion.

Hygiene - Keep your skin clean.

You need to give some thought and consideration to the type of makeup you use. And be sure to clean your tools regularly. Things such as cosmetic brushes get dirty and can carry bacteria and germs and may cause skin irritations and breaking out. A good way is to soak brushes for about 10 minutes in a dish of warm, soapy water using mild liquid detergent or baby shampoo. Rinse and blot excess moisture with a towel and stand the brushes, handle end down, in a tall glass until they are thoroughly dry.

Keep environmental pollutants from being absorbed into the skin with a good moisturizer that also acts as a skin barrier. Check the labels for those with added Vitamin A, C and E, which help block the penetration of pollutants.

Exercise - keep fit

A good exercise program such as aerobics can activate and rejuvenate the skin and improve circulation and blood flow. Also, body sweat triggers production of sebum, which is the skin's own natural moisturizer.

Sleep - get an adequate amount of quality sleep

Be sure to get enough sleep. An adequate amount of quality sleep can help recharge and rejuvenate the body, making it more resilient. Lack of sleep can lead to tired lifeless skin and circles under the eyes. To avoid morning eye or facial puffiness, sleep on your back so fluid doesn't collect there. And, you can keep the oil from your hair away from your face by wearing a head covering or a soft headband when you go to bed.

De-Stress - Relax

Get serious about stress reduction. Skin conditions such as acne appear on many people who are stressed out, and chronic skin conditions then to get worse. Set aside quiet time to meditate or daydream. Breathing exercises are excellent for reducing stress. And keep in mind that too much stress can affect your overall health as well as your complexion. A more detailed version of this article is available at: <a target="_new" href="http://hair-removal-tips.blogspot.com/">http://hair-removal-tips.blogspot.com/</a>

Copyright ? 2005. Chileshe Mwape writes for The Pregnancy Guide website at: <a target="_new" href="http://www.pregnancyguide.org.uk/">http://www.pregnancyguide.org.uk/</a> and he's also a regular contributor to the Cosmetic Surgery Guide blog at: <a target="_new" href="http://cosmetic-n-plastic-surgery.blogspot.com/">http://cosmetic-n-plastic-surgery.blogspot.com/</a>

This article may be reprinted as long as all the above links are active and clickable.

วันจันทร์ที่ 22 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Slow The Aging Process By Watching What You Think

How to stop the old aging process is the ultimate age old question. Overtime, the cells of our body grow and die. There is nothing that can stop this process totally, but we are finding out so much more about the body and aging that we can slow down the ravages of time. So much of anti aging is a mind body connection. If you want to keep as young as you can in your body, you should stay young in your mind as well. Energy will follow what you focus on with your mind; so if you are worrying about how tired you are feeling, or how stiff your body is, or you are counting the wrinkles or gray hairs on your head, your energy and the energy around you will give you more of what you are focusing on. I propose to you that one of the first tips for anti aging is to stop thinking about aging; and start focusing on healthy you are, how good you feel and how great you look.

Another easy tip for anti aging is looking at the foods you eat. I remember when I was a kid in the 50's and 60's and there was almost no fast food or processed foods in the grocery stores. I remember when there were no TV dinners and you couldn't find a box of Meat Helper anywhere. It was also rare for us to be overweight too. I didn't have any friends that were overweight and you probably didn't either. Eating too fast, and not eating enough of the good unprocessed foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables is one reason we are more unhealthy and age quicker than years past. If you aren't getting enough vitamins in your diet, you might consider taking <a href=http://www.alternative-medicine-4u.com/vitamins.htm target=&quot;new&quot;>supplements</a>. There are a host of vitamins on the market today so ask your pharmacist what brand is recommended and trusted for potency.

We women are looking for the magic wrinkle cream or body lotion that will erase wrinkles. If you find one that erases those wrinkles will you let me know? Some creams are better than others and some have natural herbs in them. Some doctors tout clearing up brown spots and reducing the signs of aging with retinoids. These retinoids are the most documented of the anti agers. It all goes back to prevention and sunscreen instead of trying to clear up the skin damage when it is already done.

It is also well known that stress will make you sicker and age you more quickly than just about anything. You have heard the expression &quot;I just aged 5 years from that experience&quot; or &quot;I just lost 5 years of my life&quot;. What can you do to live a more stress free life? If you can't pick up and move to the country like I did, you have to find ways with exercise, meditation, leaving the work at the office, listen to classical music on the commute and so on to de-stress. Here again, stop a moment when it is quiet and focus on how relaxed and de-stressed you are. See yourself very calm and happy and everything is happening just as it should. If you have never tried doing that, I suggest you try just slowing down for a brief moment and see how good that feels. &quot;Stop and smell the roses&quot; as the saying goes. Sleep is also critical so don't try to be super anything and take care of yourself first. If you aren't taken care of, how can you possibly give back something you don't have?

If you really want to <a target="_new" href="http://www.alternative-medicine-4u.com/anti_aging.htm">slow the aging process</a>, focus your attention on health, your family, friends, and how good it is to be alive. Be grateful for what you have in life and wake everyday knowing everything is playing out exactly as it is supposed to. Try not to &quot;sweat the small stuff&quot; and monitor your reactions to things. It usually isn't the event that stresses us; it is how we react to the event. If you don't let the event take control you will remain calm and your body won't get thrown into a fight or flight mode. Whenever you can keep your blood pressure normal you are ahead of the game of life.

Beverly Marshall is a successful freelance writer, certified Aromatherapist and Feng Shui consultant. Her many articles offer guidance, suggestions and common sense ideas to change your life. If you are interested in products and information regarding alternative medicine, vitamins, osteoporosis, menopause, essential oils, insomnia, anti aging, dry skin and more; her many articles can be found at <a target="_new" href="http://www.alternative-medicine-4u.com">http://www.alternative-medicine-4u.com</a>

Mineral Makeup- Natural Beauty

As we become more aware of our environment and more aware of the products that we are putting into and onto our bodies, natural and homeopathic products are taking the cosmetic industry by storm.

It's likely you've noticed new skincare and cosmetic companies popping up with &quot;all natural&quot; and &quot;organic&quot; products. Of course, just because they say they are, doesn't necessarily make it true. That is where consumer education comes in, and why it is so important.

The title of this article is &quot;Mineral Makeup&quot;. After learning what mineral makeup is, what products go into it, and what its benefits are, you can decide if this is the right choice for you.

What Is Mineral Makeup?

Mineral makeup is designed from all naturally occurring products. It is often recommended by dermatologists to women with sensitive skin, rosacea, post operative, laser and other procedures because of its intrinsic skin soothing and anti-inflammatory properties. It is a powder makeup of finely milled minerals. It can provide very sheer or very opaque coverage, depending on the formulation and application. However, it still allows natural skin radiance to show through, so you don't get the dreaded &quot;mask&quot; look. It is typically free of fragrance and preservatives. Minerals cannot feed bacteria, so there is no danger of spoilage, thus it needs no preservatives. It does not go bad. It is very good for oily skin because it has several oil- absorbing components.

It is usually applied with a brush, and is typically shown to be &quot;buffed&quot; into the skin. This technique forces the makeup into your pores, which is never a good thing. A technique that works with better quality mineral makeup (which we'll discuss later) is to &quot;dust&quot; the makeup on, instead of &quot;buffing&quot; it. If a brush irritates your skin, you can also use a non-latex or flocked sponge. Application can be done either wet or dry.

What Are The Ingredients?

This is the most important part. Learning what is in your makeup will give you the ability to choose what will meet your needs best. These are the ingredients you will most likely come across.

? Titanium Dioxide- A white natural sunscreen and anti-inflammatory agent. It is highly reflect, with only a diamond being higher, and thus minimizes fine lines and some skin discolorations.

? Zinc Oxide- A natural sunscreen providing broad spectrum UVA/UVB protection.

? Sericite- A colorless mica that can be used to cut the opacity of Titanium Dioxide and also works as an oil absorber.

? Cornstarch/ Rice Powder- Cosmetic grade- An oil humectant (draws oil out of the pores). Can make acne worse as it is a source of food for bacteria.

? Kaolin Clay- Natural oil-absorption.

? Mica- Natural &quot;glitter&quot;. Provides shimmer and sparkle.

? Iron Oxides- Natural pigment- very opaque. Used for tinting cosmetics.

Ingredients To Avoid

These ingredients are also common, but can cause problems so are best to avoid.

? Talc/ Various Powders- Common fillers- can cause respiratory problems.

? FD&C Dyes- Derived from coal tar.

? Bismuth Oxychloride- Known skin irritant- causes itching, rashes and breakouts. Especially prevalent when the wearer sweats.

? Ferric Ferrocyanide- Controversial because of its suspected toxicity.

? Carmine- Crushed beetles.

What Brand Should I Buy?

Well, if you're familiar with mineral makeup, it's likely you've seen the infomercials. After further research you'll find these companies use controversial ingredients, and charge quite a bit for their products.

There are several good mineral makeup companies out there that provide a much better product at a more affordable price, as well as a superior customer experience. They also offer samples, which the larger companies do not. You'll get to try the makeup (unlike in the drugstore!) for a fraction of the cost before you buy it. They don't have expensive advertising and packaging to pay for, so the savings are often passed on to you.

Lynn is the proprietor of Beauty Bliss Mineral Cosmetics at <a target="_new" href="http://www.beautyblisscosmetics">http://www.beautyblisscosmetics</a> as well as <a target="_new" href="http://www.ultimate-skin-care-tips.com">http://www.ultimate-skin-care-tips.com</a>

Hyaluronic Acid ? Newest Celebrity Beauty Secret?

We can always count on celebrities to serve as guinea pigs for the latest cosmetic and beauty treatments. During the Botox ? craze, even director Martin Scorsese commented that he couldn't find actresses who could frown anymore! Perhaps actors, politicians, musicians and the like all grew tired of looking like Stepford wives because the latest cosmetic craze involves Hyaluronic acid, a key component of human tissue, providing the body with essential moisture and a viable way to erase wrinkles without the loss of facial expression. Hyaluronic acid is available in facial injections reportedly favored by celebrities like Charlie Sheen, Tommy Lee Jones and Oprah Winfrey who have chosen Restylane, a Hyaluronic acid wrinkle-filler that works to lift the lip, wrinkle or fold and create volume. Hyaluronic acid injections do not relax muscles but instead &quot;fill in&quot; areas most affected by wrinkles and fine lines.

There are also several new, non-invasive beauty products that contain Hylauronic acid or work to stimulate the body's own Hyaluronic acid production. Apparently full lips a la Angelina Jolie are a must-have because celebrities of all ages are going gaga for City Lips, a cutting edge product developed by City Lips Cosmetics. The City Lips product stimulates lips to produce their own collagen and Hyaluronic acid, painlessly increasing the size of lips. According to Karen Rauen, Good Housekeeping Institute's chemistry director, "The City Lips lip plumper, we found, plumps people's lips an average of three millimeters.&quot; Celebrities like Desperate Housewives stars, Teri Hatcher and Nicolette Sheridan, Jamie Lynn Discala, Virginia Madsen, Melissa Rivers, Angela Bassett, Lacy Chabert, Lake Bell, Eliza Dushku, Bijou Phillips, Haylie Duff, Kathy Griffin, Tracy Ross, Marlee Matlin, Shannon Elizabeth, Michelle Rodriguez, Faith Evans, Giuliana Depandi, Debbie Matenopoulos and Princess Ann Claire, are reportedly huge fans of City Lip Cosmetics.

There are other Hyaluronic acid boosting &quot;lip plumpers&quot; on the cosmetic market including Lucky Lips which allegedly increases Hyaluronic acid levels by 148% just 48 hours after use. Other celeb Hyaluronic acid beauty favorites include Hydrating Gel Cream from Prada Beauty, a lightweight, sheer cream featuring Hyaluronic acid and Rest-A-Line Face Treatment by Joey New York, an anti-aging cream rich with Hyaluronic acid which helps the skin hold 1000 times its weight in water, causing a natural plumping effect. All in all, between facial injections and non-evasive beauty creams, it seems like there is much hope on the frontier for finding that elusive fountain of youth; for celebrities and for common folk, alike!

<a target="_new" href="http://www.E-Hyaluronicacid.com">Hyaluronic Acid Resource</a> is dedicated to promoting an understanding of Hyaluronic acid, a major ingredient in many medical and anti-aging therapies and to highlighting places where you can safely purchase Hyaluronic acid products. For more information go to <a target="_new" href="http://www.E-Hyaluronicacid.com">E-Hyaluronicacid.com</a>