The art and science of good makeup.
Makeup is still an art ? supported ably, of course, by science. Gone are the days when good makeup meant just soaps, perfumes and oils carefully selected after word-of-mouth recommendation. Today, your persona comes through in MAC makeup ? or was it Max Factor? Take your pick! Show off your gorgeous eyes - wear eye makeup. Impress your peers with a prom makeup worn specially for "the nite".
Make a statement with a tattoo or a strategic permanent makeup. Take expert advice ? makeup tips are available for the asking. Desist from using chemicals which may harm your sensitive skin ? wear mineral makeup instead! Consider this ? you don't have to wear stage makeup if you don't need to flaunt your expressions under the arc lights to an audience.
Wear makeup ? an appropriate one. Or better still; don't wear any ? especially if you are among the lucky few who can carry off that natural look ? naturally!
About The Author
Mike Yeager
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