วันศุกร์ที่ 19 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551

Protect the Skin Youre In

El verano y se aproxima thousands of people estarán Trabajando extra expertise Latigo antes de que its short journey pants and bathroom. Sin embargo, inadecuado cuidado de dano skin can permanently causa de los rayos soles. Regardless of skin type, it is essential to protect your skin. Here are some tips to remember this summer. Choose a good sunscreen. If you've been at this store, you've probably seen a corridor full of sun visor. Det er ofte vanskelig quickly hvem du skal and kjøp. Find one that protects against UVA and UVB. (UVB is more damaging to burn on Sunday UVA). It is important that the screen protectors Sunday against the shelves Sunday. No pierda your time with half the protection. What
SPF? </ B> The number of FPS not telling people how they can last outdoors in the sun without being burned. Jo høyere SPF-tallet, huden er allerede beskyttet solemn word. For example, say you put on sunscreen with SPF 20 This will protect your skin up to 20 times longer than the average amount of protection time. Cuanto tiempo para averiguar its protective sun protected skin (Multiplica el tiempo Request that the lleva un Grabar * Sunscreen SPF) Por tanto lo, you Normalmente quem después de 30 minutos en el sol y tiene un sun protector with SPF 15 The skin will be protected After 450 minutes (or 7.5 hours) It is also important to take into account the skin type in the selection of appropriate sunscreens. For younger children (6 months): Choose a sunscreen with SPF 15 or higher to protect against both tanning and burning Sunday. Trouver un produit qui offre les rayons UVA et UVB protection. This is called the range. Justa por muy cuidado de la peau: Este tipo de en la piel burns quickly. Find a sunscreen with SPF 20 and 30 years. Fair Skin: Denne Typen hud brannsår ganske enkelt, men noen oppstår tanning. Look for products that contain sunscreen SPF 8 to 12 years. Moyen Peau: Ce type de peau produit une légère teinte brun lorsqu'il est exposé à la lumière du soleil. Look for products that contain sunscreen SPF of 4 to 8 For dark skin: This type of skin burns rarely. Look for products that contain sunscreen SPF 2 to 4 After selecting a sunscreen, which is before going in the sun. Assurez-vous d'utiliser le gène et la voix sur la peau d'être exposés. Take care of your skin, you get beautiful skin in the future. PS

Your your skin is a defense mechanism against elements of the environment. Exercise, rest and good nutrition is the basis for beautiful, healthy skin. Gran mom is the webmaster for http://www.babynamebox.com
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