วันอังคารที่ 9 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551

Yet More Care Hair Myths - The Truth And The Lies

The Hair Care myths just keep coming! In this third part of Articles 3, we examine some of the most famous myths - and the gravity of the truth? 1. Hair must be washed every day False: It is not appropriate timetable for washing hair. Each person should shampoo to the specific needs of their hair and texture. While some people enjoy a shampoo every day, other benefits from a number of annexes with shampoo. 2. = More foam more effective own hair shampoo = False: Lathering agents are often added to shampoos, foam, but does not own hair. 3. Hair develop immunity to the same shampoo over time False: There is no scientific evidence to prove this myth. 4. Børsting your hair is better than the hairstyle is wrong: Actually, your hair reacts better for a comb with a brush. Børsting it will only lead to broken and broken hair. 5. Cassée can be repaired without cutting False: The only effective treatment for the elimination of the division ends with a pair of scissors. The Hair Care Some products can be divided temporary melting thus, but it lasts only until the next shampoo. You should always keep in mind that the ends have damaged a tendency to grow more slowly than health, well-maintained, haircutting. 6. For the coloring their hair during pregnancy is harmful false (probable): Some doctors disagree, but most believe that hair dye during pregnancy is not harmful to the baby. When you are in doubt, always get your doctor's permission colour of their hair during pregnancy. Most experts believe that the major risk with hair dye not use the product on the scalp, but inhaling the strong chemical smell. 7. Virgin root hair must be treated differently True: The hair that is closest to the roots respond differently to the implementation of the new hair color and chemical therapies. Boja Kose is used directly to the roots process different from the color used on hair that has already been processed. 8. Lemon juice is bleach blond hair False: Some daylight, dry May people feel a little ray optical or after prolonged exposure to the sun soaked in lemon juice, but most people do not see no obvious change in their custom hair gloss and brightness. 9. A sunburnt scalp can lead to true Hair Loss: severe sunburn or a series of fires that occur over time can damage the delicate hair follicles at the root level. People with a genetic predisposition for Hair Loss can accelerate the onset of hair loss. Avoid scalp burns through the use of sunscreen products through their scalp with hair. 10. For thick, glossy hair, eat a diet that is rich in iron and protein False: Iron deficiency can cause hair loss, but dermatologists say the reverse is not true: the extra food iron will not your hair thick. In fact, iron overload can cause serious health problems (the exact amount for optimal health is about 15 milligrams per day for a woman). The same is true for protein. Dermatologists say protein deficiency fragile lead dull skin and hair. It is important to get enough protein, but eating more than normal Wo not your hair shiny. 11. The use of hats cause Hair Loss False: For your hair, hat had to be so close that affect the movement of follicles. Milliner can breathe a collective sigh of relief! 12. Hormoner is not related to the Hair Loss true: Despite a hormone imbalance can cause a temporary loss of hair, as is common with women after pregnancy, important thing to remember is that your hair grow again . 13. Chemicals for the pool can turn hair green true: Frequent swimmers blonde natural or chemical stressed that his hair is very porous May experience development shades of green and shades over time. This problem can be prevented with regular use of moisturizing shampoos and conditioners that provides a natural barrier for chlorine and other chemicals. 14. Hair grows faster in various parts of the head in place: There is no scientific evidence that hair growth can vary in different regions of the minds of some individuals. There are also some indications that the rate of hair growth in infants May be faster in the crown than in any other part of the scalp. In general, growth, the differences are very marginal and will not affect the appearance of hair in any way. Abstract heard another myth about the hair? Do your research? Ask the experts! This does not include his grandmother, best friend or local barmaid. On the other hand, speak to an experience or a hairdresser trichologist. Always get the facts before acting on hair myths? we owe it to your hair. Michael Barrows (thank you to Daniel and Karen Mcullough Mr. Shelton) Michael Barrows is a web-editor specialing in niche marketing. Get your free e-book (almost) everything you need to know about hairstyles and hair care on its website; http://www.great-hairstyles.com http://www.great-hairstyles . com
